<p>Our Gala concert or Night of Russian ballet represents the apogee of Russian Ballet performances. It consists of fragments of the masterpieces of ballet classics such as "Swan lake", "The Sleeping beauty", "Giselle", "Corsair", "Don Quixote", and "Spartak", etc. The artists perform the most interesting and brlliant numbers from the well-known ballets on one stage in one spectacular evening.</p><br />
“胡桃夹子”芭蕾舞剧的首演于, 1892年12月6日,圣彼得堡,本芭蕾舞剧留在界剧院的舞台已经120多年了。 多彩的喜庆,梦幻的戏法,闪闪烁烁的圣诞树,轻盈雪花的舞蹈和玛莎与胡桃夹子的令人感动的故事使儿童观众和他们的父母感动得流泪。华丽的芭蕾舞剧能引起儿童和成人的兴趣。